PAL Accounting & Advisory
Self-Managed Superannuation
Funds (SMSF)
If you are looking to take more control of your superannuation, then speak to one of our superannuation experts at PAL Accounting & Advisory about an SMSF. An SMSF allows you to control your superannuation and invest in the assets of your choice.
How PAL Accounting & Advisory
Can Help
Our team can help guide you through the process of setting up your fund, rolling over your super benefits to your new fund, ongoing administration and advice, preparation of financial statements and tax returns, and taking care of the audit process for you.

About our SMSF services
SMSF Setup
We can setup your fund and apply for all necessary registrations, ensuring that you comply with all regulations along the way. We can also assist in the process of rolling your superannuation over from your previous fund to your new SMSF. If you are looking to borrow money in your SMSF we can also assist with Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (LRBA) and setting up the necessary entities to allow this including bare trusts.
Administration & Tax Returns
Our team can take care of all of your SMSF administration requirements so that you can focus on your investments. We can provide assistance with contributions and pensions as well as taking care of all your record keeping needs to allow us to prepare your annual financial statements and tax return.
The Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, sets out the rules and regulations for which SMSF’s must comply. We have extensive knowledge of the Act and ensure you are aware of your responsibilities every step of the way.
Auditors must follow strict independence rules which prevent them from auditing their own work. We work closely with several auditors to take care of your fund's auditing requirements. We look after the whole process including liaising with the auditor and providing all of the necessary documents. We take the hassle out of this process for you.

PAL Accounting & Advisory covers all of your SMSF accounting needs from setup to administration, to liaising with the auditor, taking the stress out of the whole process.
The team at PAL Accounting & Advisory offers quality business accounting and SMSF services Australia-wide.
If you need an SMSF professional to help you set up your fund, ongoing administration, preparation of your SMSF’s financial statements and tax return, our loyal accounting specialists are here for you. Feel free to email or give us a call if you need professional advice on anything Superannuation related.
Why Choose us as your
SMSF Accountant
SMSF’s can be difficult to navigate due to the substantial amount of regulation involved. Our Geelong based SMSF team can assist you with guidance on all matters regarding setting up and administration of an SMSF. Our team has a wealth of knowledge in this area and our friendly and simple approach will help you to better understand your SMSF responsibilities.
SMSF Frequently Asked
What does an SMSF accountant do?
An SMSF accountant can setup an SMSF on your behalf, provide compliance advice, provide administration services, prepare financial statements and prepare and lodge the annual income tax return.
Can accountants set up SMSF?
Accountants can still provide SMSF set up services, as long as they don’t advise clients to establish an SMSF or dispose of an interest in a superannuation product. An SMSF accountant can only guide clients through setting up the fund and provide advice on compliance matters.
How much does an SMSF cost?
Given the complexity of the services, there is no fixed price for an SMSF. At PAL Accounting & Advisory, we provide competitive prices for those who trust their SMSF needs with our team. Feel free to contact us for more details.
Can I lodge my own SMSF tax return?
Currently, there is no direct ATO portal for SMSF’s but you can lodge your annual tax return electronically or by paper with the ATO. If lodging electronically, you must have software that supports electronic lodgment by Standard Business Reporting.